
Portsmouth, 汉普顿路中心的一座历史悠久、文化丰富的城市, offers convenient access to shipping terminals, rail yards, and the interstate. 

We offer the SMARTcity Advantage, 为企业提供一个数据驱动的、商业友好的环境. The city boasts efficient transportation logistics, a 熟练的劳动力,位于中心的商业场所, and an expanding port, 使它成为成长和成功的理想之地.

财富坊cff999投资900万美元建造了一条55英里长的光纤电缆环, connected to a 127-mile regional network. 这个为期5年的项目每秒传输200千兆比特,并创造了新的投资机会 internet-based companies and data centers.

Renaissance Hotel and Portsmouth waterfront

In 2024, over 360 businesses have opened in Portsmouth, 为城市不断增长的经济和充满活力的创业社区做出贡献.

Our key industries include:

  • Transportation & Logistics
  • Maritime
  • Offshore Wind
  • Advanced Manufacturing
  • Unmanned Systems
  • Small Businesses


The Numbers Speak For Themselves

2023 New Capital Investment

2023 New Capital Investment

财富坊cff999的商业正在增长,2023年是该市连续第七年打破纪录. New, expanding, 搬迁企业在新资本上投资了1.2亿美元, with focused efforts in the maritime, logistics, and offshore wind industries, and residential developments.

Port Access

Port Access

财富坊cff999是两个弗吉尼亚港设施的所在地,许多项目地点可以直接进入. 当每一刻都关系到你的供应链, 你可以找到不到10分钟的港口.

Business Investment

Business Investment

财富坊cff999为当地企业提供了约200万美元的资金, state, 以及过去五年的地区激励措施.



财富坊cff999财富cff888中位数随着城市和地区的发展逐年增长. 2022年,报告的财富cff888中位数为57,154美元.



无论你是在寻找有才华的员工还是专注的客户, 财富坊cff999(Portsmouth)距离市中心不到45分钟的车程.8 million residents.



财富坊cff999有40多所不同的大学, training academies, skilled trade schools, and more. 不管你的注意力有多集中,你都可以快速进入你需要的程序.

Entertainment District

Portsmouth was one of five localities in the state selected to welcome casino gaming. 经过州和地方立法者多年的努力,制定了适当的法规, 财富坊cff999经济发展局和市议会于2020年与Rush Street Gaming合作. 同年11月,大多数居民投票赞成在该市开设赌场.

Portsmouth has designated a large Entertainment District 覆盖在胜利大道走廊上. 该地区由财富坊cff999河赌场锚定,并设置为特色娱乐场所以及众多的餐馆和餐馆, as well as a variety of retail locations.

Job fair held inside a small conference room


Portsmouth@Work旨在通过提供就业援助,将居民与高薪工作联系起来, skills training, and education. 我们的目标是增加获得劳动力资源的机会, 帮助个人获得可持续就业,提高生活质量. 2023年,我们帮助600多名居民做好了就业准备.

  • In-person and Virtual Training
  • Career Pathways and Readiness
  • Computer Center
  • Assistance and Resources

Upcoming Events

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2023 Annual Report


Press Release

First U.S. wind turbine installation vessel launched

The Charybdis, the first U.S. flagged, 符合琼斯法案的风力涡轮机安装船, 是在布朗斯维尔的Seatrium AmFELS造船厂下水的, Texas, Dominion Energy announced April 15.  The 472’ WTIV is the first U.S.-built entry to the...

Press Release


随着封锁的持续,数百万美国人增加了网上购物, 全国各地的港口都挤满了集装箱船. 弗吉尼亚港发现自己在正确的时间,正确的地点,能够吸收大量的水...